New Windows or New Insulation: What is Best for Energy Efficiency?

You’re a homeowner who understands energy efficiency updates to your home will pay off in the long run.
But you’re not independently wealthy, so you must first prioritize which energy efficiency projects to invest in. You can’t afford them all at once, so you must decide – new windows or insulation.
Most Michigan utilities offer rebates for updating both windows and insulation. So, what should you do first to maximize energy efficiency and return on investment?
RetroFoam of Michigan has more than 20 years of experience helping thousands of homeowners across the Lower Peninsula make their homes more energy efficient.
In our constant efforts to educate homeowners, we have used our expertise and research to help you decide whether energy-efficient windows or energy-efficient insulation will be a better fit for your home.
Let's jump right in.
New Windows or New Insulation
Drumroll, please.
The winner is… new insulation, according to the energy efficiency pyramid.
This handy 10-level pyramid, a nod to the classic food pyramid, offers a visual guide for homeowners keen on boosting their home's energy efficiency and slashing those pesky energy bills.
“Homeowners who are uncertain of the best way to lower their energy bills should start at the lowest level of the pyramid and work their way up,” according to the Green Building Advisor. “Actions near the bottom of the pyramid are much more cost-effective than actions near the top of the pyramid.”
In this model, air sealing and insulation are on the fourth level, while windows are up at the ninth level. This means you should prioritize energy-efficient insulation, like spray foam insulation, before tackling new windows.
Why? Because energy-efficient insulation is less complex, more affordable, and offers a greater return on investment. So, if you're looking to insulate doors and windows or explore energy-efficient insulation materials, start with foam insulation for a smart, cost-effective upgrade.
New Insulation for Your Home
The best part about energy-efficient foam insulation is that it works as both an air seal and an insulator, which means it’s basically the ultimate energy-efficiency project.
Therefore, when the decision is between new windows or new insulation, it is typically best to start with new insulation.
“Start at the bottom and work your way up the pyramid, as time and finances allow,” according to the U.S. Department of Energy.
To learn more about the benefits of foam insulation for your home, check out our Learning Center. To schedule a free in-home estimate, call 866-900-3626 or fill out the form on our website.
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