3 Reasons to Re-Insulate Your Entire Home with Foam Insulation
injection foam insulation | spray foam insulation | existing home insulation

In the home improvement world, the common advice is to upgrade your house one room at a time.
Therefore, some Michigan homeowners may insulate just their walls, attic, or crawl space with foam insulation and delay upgrading the entire house until later. They will still likely notice positive results with this approach.
However, the most significant benefits come from residents who go all in: they insulate their entire house with foam insulation. The whole home approach provides a complete air seal of the home, creating a building envelope to significantly reduce air leakage in the process.
The results can be summed up in one word: maximize.
Michigan homeowners who choose the whole home approach maximize their financial benefits and quality of life benefits.
Need more convincing? Here are three reasons to re-insulate your entire home with foam insulation.
1. Maximize energy savings
When you re-insulate your entire home, you provide a complete air seal that reduces the most air flow possible. Re-insulating just one area of your home will help in that area but air leakage will still occur throughout the rest of the house.
Less air flow ultimately means less energy used. Therefore, Michigan homeowners who re-insulate their entire house see the most significant savings on their monthly utility bills.
2. Maximize energy rebates
If you only insulate certain areas in your home, you can still apply for rebates from utilities such as Consumers Energy, DTE, and Semco. These rebates could amount up to a few hundred dollars for insulation depending on what area and how much of the area you insulate, among other things.
Not bad.
But what if you could double that?
If you insulate your whole house with a certified BPI contractor, DTE and Consumers have programs where rebates can more than double. Their Home Performance programs offer upwards of $950 in rebates if you choose foam insulation for your entire home.
More savings in the bank.
3. Maximize comfort
Is your home is completely air sealed with foam insulation? Well, you’re in luck. The temperature will stay consistent year round.
If, for example, you have foam insulation in the crawl space and attic and original fiberglass in your walls, you will notice a significant savings in energy and comfort. However, there will still be potential for drafts and other uncomfortable rooms in your home.
Ask yourselves this question: do you want your home to feel good or great?
When making energy efficiency improvements to your home, you can use the whole home approach and receive outstanding energy savings. Incentives from utilities, federal tax credits, and low-interest loans from Michigan Saves can all help make this happen.
Or you can improve specific areas of your home and receive good results.